Vintage seen by Zoé Macaron


[Zoe Macaron Fashion Blogger]

Zoe Bassetto, a 29 year-old from Lyon, is the writer of the feminine fashion and lifestyle blog Zoe Macaron since 2007. My passion for fashion goes back to my more tender childhood and I owe it to my mother. At the age where we begin to write our names, I started to enjoy drawing dresses, and when they asked me what I wanted to do when I grow up, I responded proudly “Christian Lacroix”.

My love for fashion grew the same time as me, and in 2007 I finally decided to create my own blog to share on the net my outfits and my favorite interests. I never would have imagined that it was going to change my life and that it would allow me to earn money many years later, it is a childhood dream that I have achieved.

What is your definition of vintage in relation to fashion and society?

I believe that it is difficult today to clearly define vintage because each person has created their own definition. This Anglicism, originally use in oenology to define a vintage, is now commonly used to refer to a retro piece or object. For some, vintage, in relation to fashion, means a piece created by an older, prestigious designer, which reflects some authenticity from the brand or from the techniques or fabric used by the designer. For me, a vintage piece is not necessarily a designer-label but falls within a style and a very precise time period. I associate vintage with the estheticism, the rarity, the quality and to a certain form of nostalgia which takes roots from my childhood and memories. In terms of fashion, I find giving life back to a piece which already has a past, or a history, is extraordinary. In our current society, things are not really made to last a long time. I believe that buying pieces which have a connection to the past or to our memories can have a heartwarming and reassuring aspect. Vintage is a type of safe investment symbolizing the stability and the duration which distinguishes itself from the mold of “all disposable” and of overconsumption.

What is your most personal vintage object and memory?

Between the mythic 501 jeans which my parents wore, the rotary dial phone, the Polaroid, and records, a lot of cult objects have emphasized my childhood; it is difficult to choose just one. In terms of fashion, one of the most cult and iconic pieces, for me, is the Chanel 2.55 bag created by Coco Chanel in 1955. I find that it symbolizes the French elegance and style. I acquired another model from Chanel which dates from the end of the 80’s to the beginning of the 90’s, which I still have. Now, I find myself dreaming of the vintage 2.55 and I am sure that there is one waiting for me somewhere.

If you were…

A vintage person…

A hitchcockian heroine as I am a huge fan of both cinema and Alfred Hitchcock. The actresses from the 50’s to 70’s, such as, Kim Novak, Grace Kelly, Marilyn Monroe, Bridgette Bardot, Audrey Hepburn, or Ingrid Bergman embody, for me, the elegance and the glamour in its entire splendor. They are a genuine source of inspiration and represent the period in which I would have liked to live in. Last year, for the Bourjouis brand’s 150th year celebration I had the honor to represent the year the brand was launched (1863) and I found myself  having a wonderful time, so much so as to imagine how I would be if I was born in another time.

A vintage film…

Vertigo by Alfred Hitchcock, inevitably! The duo of Kim Novak and James Stewart is completely crazy. Everything is perfect in this intriguing film, tied up perfectly to the estheticism and the music.

A vintage song…

Initials BB – Serge Gainsbourg


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