MMV#15 March 21 & 22, 2015 “Come and share your summer dreams with us! “

14 Jan 2015

The Marché de la Mode Vintage is organizing it’s 15th edition at Double-Mixte of Lyon-Villeurbanne.

 « Come and share your summer dreams with us! »


The Marché de la Mode Vintage receives  18 to 20.000 individuals, professionals  and  collectors that come for selling, buying, antiquing… or simply to have a whiff at the great vintage air !

 In the program : workshop for kids, a barber shop – hair styling area, makeup and nail art, vintage snacks and food kiosk, makeover area, raffles, in collaboration with a partner department store, and other organizations, a photocall on the beach…

 Our new collectors tote bag, as always offered to the first 10,000 visitors.


To celebrate its 15th edition, the Marché de la Mode Vintage places special emphasis on its programming and musical entertainment; 2 days of guaranteed music from the vintage years.


More than 250 exhibitors in a space of around 5.000 m2, spreading out all the key vintage areas: Fashion / Luxe / Creators / Déco-Vinyles

Information and inscriptions : +33 (0)4 78 42 99 27 /

Pour visiter le salon du Marché de la Mode Vintage DIJON, réservez votre billet prévente avant le vendredi 27 septembre minuit au tarif de 4€ au lieu de 5€